Guest Column | March 23, 2020

Anne McClelland: Best Practices For XaaS Channel Optimization

By Rob Spee, Channel Journeys Consulting

Rob Spee

Anne McClelland
VP XaaS Channel Optimization, TSIA

San Diego, CA

Year Founded

To help technology companies strategically leverage services to drive profitable growth.

Channel Experience
17 Years


Vendors need to think across land, adopt, expand, and renew, and decide what they are going to provide and what they need partners to do to help the customers really receive their value - Anne McClelland

Figuring out how to drive technology-as-a-service through and with channel partners is not an easy proposition. Taking on this challenge is the guest of my recent Channel Journeys podcast, Anne McClelland. Anne is the VP of XaaS Channel Optimization, a brand-new research practice at TSIA, the Technology Services Industry Association.

Key Take-Aways

When it comes to selling and delivering anything-as-a-service, we’re all facing the same channel questions. Three common questions that Anne gets from vendors and will be answering through her research are:

  1. How do you the transformation from on-prem to as-a-service without disrupting your channel?
  2. How do you start involving what you need to deliver as a vendor and not conflict with your channel partners and the things that they’re already doing?
  3. How do you convince the channel to move off the perpetual model? What are some of the incentives that you can put in place to move them from the old way of doing business into this new way?

Take Action - One Thing You Can Do Today

If you haven’t read it yet, order a copy of the Technology-as-a-Service Playbook. Then listen to the complete Channel Journeys podcast to learn more about Anne and XaaS channel optimization.

About The Author

Rob SpeeRob Spee is the founder and CEO of Channel Journeys Consulting and host of the Channel Journeys podcast. Rob applies his channel expertise to help clients create and execute channel strategies to accelerate revenue growth. His global channel experience spans from building channels at startups to vendors and distributors like Arrow, BMC, Carbonite, and SAS. Follow Rob on Twitter and LinkedIn.